Tuesday, March 25, 2014


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When we get a disease, we consult a doctor. All the doctors in the world cure us through various ways such as medicine, tablet, injection, etc. and also using various other methods such as Neurotherapy, Siddha, Mudra, Unani, Pranic Healing, Touch Healing, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Magnet Therapy, Yoga, breathing exercise, meditation, Naturotherapy, Herbal therapy and many other such ways.

But, in our treatment, there is no medication at all. There is no need for any blood test. There is no necessity to check the pulse. We need not take any scan. There is no diet control either. Yet, we can cure the diseases! You may wonder how it is possible. In this treatment, we can cure any disease even without enquiring about the name of the disease and its nature.

Link 2

The Secret is the culmination of centuries of great thinkers, scientists, artists and philosophers. Here we take an exciting look behind the scenes of The Secret’s life-transforming power.

Here the author Rhonda Bryne, tells all the secrets that all world people should know in their lives. AS A LIFE TRANSFORMING INFORMATION.

Link 3

Message from masters is an interesting site. It is worth visiting and it should be approached as an adventure for free books in itself. The site’s design come across as a bit amateurish and the navigation may be stiff at times. But behind these minor barriers is an impressive collection of free spiritual books from reliable teachers such as Jiddu Krishnamurti and Ramana Maharshi. In addition, there is a really interesting collection of free Buddhist and Hindu texts, including the Zen Teachings of Rinzai, which I consider a jewel in its kind.
Sometimes I got the feeling of being lost in a Osho devotee site. Let alone what you might think of Osho, the teacher formerly known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, the website features the man a lot. So if you like Osho, there is a bonus for you here. That said, the site does a very good job in offering other free spiritual books. It requires some digging, but besides the aforementioned works you can find here nice works of Gurdjieff, Ramakrishna, Hermann Hesse and Meher Baba

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